
Quantum mechanical investigation of the nature of nucleobase-urea stacking interaction, a crucial driving force in RNA unfolding in aqueous urea

N Alodia, T Jaganade, UD Priyakumar,

Urea-assisted denaturation of protein and RNA has been shown to be a valuable tool to study their stabilities and folding phenomena. It has been shown that stacking interactions between nucleobases and urea are one of the driving forces of denaturation. In this study, the ability of urea to form unconventional stacking interactions with RNA bases is investigated by performing high-level quantum calculations (RI-MP2/aug-cc-pVDZ level) on a few thousands of model systems. Four systems were considered based on the RNA nucleobases (GUA, ADE, CYT, and URA) for the investigation.


A probabilistic framework for constructing temporal relations in replica exchange molecular trajectories

A Chattopadhyay, M Zheng, MP Waller, UD Priyakumar.

Knowledge of the structure and dynamics of biomolecules is essential for elucidating the underlying mechanisms of biological processes. Given the stochastic nature of many biological processes, like protein unfolding, it is almost impossible that two independent simulations will generate the exact same sequence of events, which makes direct analysis of simulations difficult. Statistical models like Markov chains, transition networks, etc. help in shedding some light on the mechanistic nature of such processes by predicting long-time dynamics of these systems from short simulations. However, such methods fall short in analyzing trajectories with partial or no temporal information, for example, replica exchange molecular dynamics or Monte Carlo simulations.